Tuesday, May 22, 2012

An A-Cultural God

We attend church in the village Jackie and Lauren stay in, Asamang. This week I had a thought while I looked around me at the beautiful members who had come for sacrament meeting. I realized that I always conceptualize God in the most culturally pleasing way for me personally - as a loving, American-cultured, English speaking, Father. I do not think anything is wrong with this; it is surely normal. However, I have not tried to think how a Ghanian young women imagines her Father in Heaven, or a Japanese girl, or a Peruvian girl. It must be so different, since their views would similarly be structured along their own socialized mental constructs. 

This led me to realize that God is an a-cultural God - at least in regards to the various cultures of our mortal world. My views about the nature of God call for a loving omnipotent Father, who can relate to any person, and who has the ability to appreciate the immense and equal worth of every individual one of His children. Therefore, His complexity in my mind has now had yet another layer added. He must be able to relate in countless ways to the innumerable variations of Man's mind and spirit and physicality and tangible and intangible experiences. He has to be able to touch the Ghanian's soul in a way that will convict the Ghanaian of the truthfulness of His existence - as well as the Peruvian's soul, and my soul, and the unimaginable remainder of unique human souls worldwide. 

This is incredible. 

I am really astonished by the miracle of humankind and its variations, and of a God and Savior who know and love even with all the difference. 

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